BOZTEPE, Pişirme Ekipmanları, Taşıma Ekipmanları, Gastronom Küvetler, Standart Gastronorm Küvet, Yemek Taşıma Kabı, Derin Tencere, Kısa Tencere, Kuşhane,

Saplı Gastronorm Küvet, Delikli Gastronorm Küver, Standart Gastronorm Kapaklar, Kepçe Kesikli Gastronorm Küvet Kapakları, Derin Kaserol, Kaserol, Tava, Satöz, Kapak

Saplı Gastronorm Küvet Kapakları, Derin Sebze Tencere, Contalı Ve Klipsli Gastronorm Küvet Kapakları (Silikon Çerçeve), Sebze Tencere,




With our mission of being a company that "respects people and the environment", we give priority to ensuring occupational safety and protecting the environment and animals.
We protect the green for a better future. It is our priority plan to switch to the use of renewable energy to further improve our impact on our planet, animals and humans.